I just learned that there is a Snoopy California license plate edition in the works, as soon as all 7500 are ordered and paid for, they'll be made and shipped out

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Even though the State of California recently passed a budget, there have been severe cuts and many projects have been put on hold. The California Association of Museums remains committed to getting Snoopy on the road despite this “speed bump” and they're working hard to get your favorite beagle on your license plate as soon as possible.

So far, about 5500 of the needed 7500 orders are placed. You can order yours at www.snoopyplate.com

or check out the California Association of Museum's Facebook page for occasional updates: https://www.facebook.com/calmuseums

The basic plan has not changed: when they launch the pre-purchase period, they will collect a $50 fee from anyone who wants to get their own Snoopy plate - or a bit more if you would like it personalized. When they reach the magic number of 7,500 folks who have completed an application and paid the fee, the plates will go into production, and voilĂ , Snoopy is yours.

When the plate is produced, proceeds will go towards supporting museums in California communities.

58 museums across California have banded together to help promote the plate, and are giving free or discounted admission to the first 7500 people who order the plate. Bonus!


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